Sunday, October 30, 2011

The First Shots from Tampa

Any one who has looked at this blog knows that I like to shoot photos as I walk.  Well, I walked - in the neighborhood, walking up past Pride Elementary School where the girls attend.  the White Egret, and whatever the big black bird in the top of the tree is, were in a conservancy area across the street from the school.  There are many such areas near here where there is a broad spectrum of wild life, including gators, in addition to what you see here.  Alas, the ducks were in a pond on the property of a much less exotic apartment complex.  Please remember that clicking on any given photo will make it larger and will reveal more detail.  Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Marvelous photos!
    Are these far-distant shots? If so, you have a very good camera, and of course, very good talent for photography as well.
    I bought a digital camera last month, but it stinks when I shoot distant shots. I know the reasons. First of all, the camera was really cheap...
